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étienne-Théodore PRIN

Data-Scientist, Front END & back-end Development

About Me

Passionate about computer science since a young age, I started programming in C language at the age of ten using the "Site du Zéro" (now OpenClassroom). This passion for programming naturally led me to consider a career in the field of computer science, and I pursued my studies in this direction after obtaining my baccalaureate.
However, I also developed an interest in physics, and I decided to explore this discipline in parallel with my studies in computer science. I thus followed a preparatory class and was then admitted to the "Mines de Saint-Étienne", where I was able to deepen my knowledge in computer science and discover an exciting new field: data science.
During my studies at the "Mines de Saint-Étienne", I also took a strong commitment to the student life of the school, actively participating in numerous associations. I notably participated in the organization of events such as the Gala, as well as projects promoting art within the school.
My interest in computer science and data science did not stop at my studies at the "Mines de Saint-Étienne". I continued to deepen my knowledge by following MOOCs and exploring new technologies and trends in the sector.
This knowledge then led me to turn to the medical field, and I decided to pursue a master's degree in biomedical engineering. Although this field proved interesting, I did not find my way in this field and I am now looking for a new opportunity to put my skills and passion for computer science and data science at the service of an innovative and dynamic company.



Skills in data analysis, machine learning, and neural networks:
Python/R/Matlab, Scikit-Learn, TensorFLow, CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem).

Image Processing

Skills in image processing including image repair, pattern analysis, segmentation, feature extraction, using these data with data-science tools to characterize images, and using neural networks:
Python, Scikit-Learn, Scikit-Image, OpenCV, TensorFLow.

Web Development

Passionate about UI/UX.
Skills in front-end and back-end web development using different tools:
HTML/CSS, JS, Django, Databases, API, Version Control, Github React (learning).

Artificial Intelligence

Expertise in various AI fields, such as search algorithms including the famous A*, adversarial search, constraint satisfaction problems, as well as deep learning and machine learning techniques.
Python, Matlab, Java, Tensorflow/PyTorch, Scikit-Learn.


AI/Data-science Internship

Safran Electronics and Defense

June 2023-September 2024

Algorithms in AI, data science, and image processing.
Use of MATLAB and Python (with libraries like PyTorch, scikitlearn, OpenCV, and scikit-image).


Gala des Mines de Saint-Étienne


Management of a large-scale event with a budget of 45,000 €, including a formal dinner, show, and party.
Leadership of a team of 15 people, expanded to 40 during the event.
Effective collaboration with partner companies.

Physics Tutor

Ecole Centrale de Lyon / Enise


Conducting oral exams for students in physics, assessing their understanding and skills.


Bureau des Arts des Mines de Saint-Étienne


Management of a 9,000 € budget for organizing artistic events and music courses.

Communications Team Member

Bureau des Élèves des Mines de Saint-Étienne


Preparation of the Yearbook as well as video editing and creation of posters for various association events

Maintenance Worker

Maison des élèves des Mines de Saint-Etienne

August 2021

Furniture repair, maintenance, and replacement within the student residence.

Labor Internship

Tempere company, Presles, France

January 2021

Practical experience in roofing and slate roof replacement.


Master's Degree in Engineering, Mines de Saint-Etienne


Master's degree specialized in Data Science, AI, and Image Processing.


I have completed numerous MOOCs to develop my skills, including:
• Web development with OpenClassroom and Coursera
• Data science with OpenClassroom
• Deep learning (neural networks) with MIT courses (MIT 6.S191)
• DevOps techniques with Coursera


+33 7 83 66 43 34